Colonnade Finance S.àr.l.

Colonnade Finance S.àr.l. (“Colonnade”) is a Luxembourg holding company incorporated in October 2013 for an unlimited period of time.

Colonnade’s ultimate parent is Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited (“Fairfax”), a Canadian holding company whose common shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange, and whose address is 95 Wellington Street West, Suite 800, Toronto, Ontario, M5J 2N7, Canada. Further details regarding Fairfax are set out within the section entitled “About Fairfax” below.

In August 2016, Fairfax, through Colonnade and its direct subsidiary (Costa Luxembourg Holding S.àr.l.), entered into an agreement with Eurobank Ergasias S.A. to acquire 80% of Eurolife Group jointly with a co-investor. Since July 2021, Fairfax owns 80% of Eurolife Group.

Colonnade Finance S.àr.l.

Address: 1, rue Jean Piret, L2350 Luxembourg

Phone: +352 28 11 56 203

